

Home / Our therapy areas /心血管、肾脏及代谢(CVRM)


The impacts of CVRM diseases on people, 社会和澳门葡京赌博游戏的星球是巨大的和不断增长的, yet they remain underdiagnosed, 未被充分对待,它们之间的联系也未被充分认识.1-7 These conditions affect hundreds of millions of people around the world; we estimate that one in three people with a CVRM disease are living with two or more of these chronic diseases.8

Our ambition is to enhance care to improve outcomes for the millions of people who are living with the complexities of CVRM diseases, 及早干预以保护重要器官, slow or stop disease progression, 并有一天甚至治愈这些经常使人衰弱的疾病, 进行性和危及生命的疾病.1

通过了解这些条件之间的相互联系, we’re able to extend the use of our existing medicines and build one of the world’s broadest, deepest and strongest CVRM pipelines.9 By 2032, 澳门葡京赌博游戏的目标是在crvrm治疗方面领先世界, 帮助改变医疗实践的过程和范围.

了解更多关于crvrm疾病的相互联系, 以及澳门葡京赌博游戏为改善全球数百万人的生活所做的工作


Our R&D approach

Scientific research is advancing our understanding of how CVRM diseases are interconnected. We are investing in a portfolio of next-generation therapeutics which are addressing multiple risk factors and tackling the underlying drivers of disease across cardiorenal and cardiometabolic diseases to improve health outcomes.

By combining pioneering science, digital technologies, 大数据和人工智能与人才的技能和经验, 澳门葡京赌博游戏的产品线超越了传统的小分子, monoclonal antibodies and peptides, to include nucleotide modalities such as antisense oligonucleotides and small interfering RNA, and novel gene and cell therapies 有可能使重要器官再生.

At the same time, 澳门葡京赌博游戏正在与世界领先的学者合作, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), biotech and other industry partners, healthcare professionals, 患者和决策者改善检测和诊断, streamline clinical trials, widen access, 让澳门葡京赌博游戏的药物更快地惠及更多的人.

Collaboration in CVRM care

澳门葡京赌博游戏很自豪能与医疗保健专业人士合作, patients, 政府和决策者改善获得医疗保健的机会, 消除诊断和最佳治疗的障碍. 澳门葡京赌博游戏的目标是从根本上改变CVRM疾病的检测方式, diagnosed and treated to accelerate medical practice change and make a difference for patients.

Make the Change for Kidney Health

为肾脏健康做出改变汇集了患者组织, medical experts and industry to call on governments and policymakers to recognise chronic kidney disease (CKD) as an urgent global health priority and implement patient-centred and evidence-based policies that enable earlier detection, 诊断和立即获得护理和推荐治疗.  通过这样做,澳门葡京赌博游戏的目标是为患者带来最好的结果, healthcare systems, caregivers, the economy and the planet. This campaign is co-created with the Global Patient Alliance for Kidney Health as well as funded and produced by AstraZeneca.

Our people

Built on an impressive legacy in CVRM, we are uniquely positioned to build a healthier and longer future for people with CVRM diseases. 澳门葡京赌博游戏超过1000人的团队跨越了23个功能,包括早期和晚期R&D, medical and commercial.

澳门葡京赌博游戏的员工都是有成就和经验丰富的科学家, researchers, clinicians, and healthcare and commercial professionals dedicated to advancing novel science and driving practice change to benefit patients with CVRM diseases. 

The CVRM team is led by:

Join our team

Join and help us address CVRM diseases. Our teams are based across the globe, with core hubs in Cambridge, Gaithersburg, Wilmington and Gothenburg. 澳门葡京赌博游戏很自豪能够培养一种不断探索的文化, 质疑和挑战寻找不同的做事方法, 并对病人的生活产生积极的影响.

Our medicines

We cannot provide detailed information about our prescription medicines on this website, in compliance with regulations. Our medicines are approved in individual countries for specific uses and the information we provide for patients is governed by local regulations. In some cases, healthcare professionals and patients can visit local AstraZeneca websites to find out more about our medicines. 请注意,在一些国家,澳门葡京赌博游戏不允许提供太多, or sometimes any, information on our prescription medicines so you should seek alternative trustworthy sources. 一定要向医疗保健专业人员咨询有关药物的建议.

Our pipeline for CVRM

With more than 25 therapies and therapy combinations in our early-to-late stage pipeline, we seek to bring real science and development to combatting life-threatening conditions. Our first-class scientific research today is setting the stage for our pioneering approach in the fields of disease regression and organ regeneration, 让澳门葡京赌博游戏离把科幻小说变成现实又近了一步. 

第三阶段/LCM项目:指的是第二/第三阶段的关键资产, 或者已经提交监管部门批准的, and may include assets that are now launched in one or more major markets (removed when launched in all applicable major markets).


1. Vos T, et al. 204个国家和地区的369种疾病和伤害的全球负担, 1990-2019: 2019年全球疾病负担研究的系统分析. Lancet. 2020;396(10258):1204-22

2. Sarnak MJ, et al. 慢性肾脏疾病和冠状动脉疾病:JACC最新进展综述. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2019;74(14):1823-38.

3. Tourki B, et al. Heart Failure Syndrome With Preserved Ejection Fraction Is a Metabolic Cluster of Non-resolving Inflammation in Obesity. Front Cardiovasc Med. 2021;8:695952.

4. Rangaswami J, et al. Cardiorenal Syndrome: Classification, Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, 和治疗策略:美国心脏协会的科学声明. Circulation. 2019;139(16):e840-e78.

5. Vogel B, et al. The Lancet women and cardiovascular disease Commission: reducing the global burden by 2030. Lancet. 2021;397(10292):2385-438.

6. Carpio E , et al. Hypertension and cardiovascular risk factor management in a multi-ethnic cohort of adults with CKD: a cross sectional study in general practice. J Nephrol. 2022;35(3):901-10

7. Virani SS, et al. Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics-2020 Update: A Report From the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2020;141(9):e139-e596.

8. AstraZeneca Data on File. REF-200649

9. AstraZeneca [Internet]. Our pipeline. [cited 2023 May 25]. Available from: http://0djt.024h.net/our-therapy-areas/pipeline.html

10. Iglay K, Hannachi H, Joseph Howie P,等. Prevalence and co-prevalence of comorbidities among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Curr Med Res Opin. Jul 2016;32(7):1243-52. doi:10.1185/03007995.2016.1168291

11. Vijay K, et al. Heart Failure in Patients with Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease: Challenges and Opportunities. Cardiorenal Med. (2022) 12 (1): 1–10.

Veeva ID: Z4-62672
Date of preparation: March 2024